Adelante is a Sydney-based tango ensemble that boasts a sound as raw as it is refined. As the name suggests, Adelante pushes forward; bending conventions while remaining grounded in a solid foundation of traditional tango. 

Adelante will transport you to the gritty streets of Buenos Aires, fusing complex harmonies, percussive effects, and experimental groove in a style that is authentically South American. In a liminal space between tradition and innovation, Adelante explores Pugliese’s unmistakable yumbas, Piazzolla’s emotionally charged nuevo tango, and the cacophony of contemporary Astillero. 

Adelante brings a wealth of experience to the stage, having studied under the direction of Maggie Ferguson in Sydney’s TangoOz, and from the maestros of Victor Lavallén, Guillermo Rubino and Ignacio Varchausky in Buenos Aires.  

Join Adelante‘s journey on Instagram & Facebook!

Adelante Tango is:

Emma Scolaro – violin

Eloise Reddy – violin

Liz Cheung – flutes

Harry Young – double bass

Reika Suzuki-Macklin – piano

Friends and fellow tangueros that have shared the stage with us:

Paula Tennent – bandoneón

Thomas McCorquodale – piano

Emily Green – double bass